To draw a Bézier curve

  1. Click the Compound Line Tool in the toolbox.

  2. Click the Bézier Curve button in the ribbon.

  3. Point where you want to begin the curve, and click the left mouse button.

  4. Move the pointer where you want to place the second point. Press and hold the left mouse button until Designer connects the two endpoints.

  5. Drag the pointer to change the curvature of the line. Release the mouse button when you have the curve that you want.


Release the mouse button without dragging to create a cusp (an angle).

  1. Repeat steps 3 and 6 to draw more (connected) curves.

  2. Press ESC when you finish.

If you do not see the toolbox or the ribbon, click Toolbars on the View menu, and then click the Toolbox and Ribbon items.

When you draw Bézier curves, the first mouse press places the first anchor; the second mouse press and drag places the second anchor and changes that anchor's control points.

Be sure to press the left mouse button for longer than a "click" when placing the second and subsequent Bézier points. Pressing the mouse button for one second should be long enough. If you click the mouse button, you end the Bézier drawing action.

Objects drawn with Bézier Curve are open unless the last point is the same as the first; then Designer automatically closes it. If you want to close an open curve, select the object, click Connect Closed on the Arrange menu. The ends are connected with a straight line.

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Drawing Bézier Curves